Welcome to my online gallery!

This blog will house current projects, competed works, and an archive of past works by me, David M. Vaughn of Cheney, Washington! I prefer charcoal, pencil, ink, and oil pastels. In the future I intend to incorporate sculpture and acrylic painting into my practice - much to learn! I also hope to start incorporating more projects I've got rummaging around in my head and a few of my favorite landscapes in the greater Spokane area. Once I get a start on anything, I'll post on the Work-in-Progress page.

For the time being the body of my work is focused on figure drawing, a discipline I greatly enjoy and can't learn enough from. I will be incorporating more projects I am working on as time progresses.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Another new page - my Techniques! Kicks off with an interview courtesy of www.patiencebrewster.com

Soooooo....this will be a short announcement here! To read more, click on my Sheboygan's figurehead :)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Finally getting back to it!

  Sitting Nude Figure Study - July 2015, 42X38in, Charcoal on Co-Mo Sketch
Well, it's July of 2015 and its about time I get hot and post something! And post I have to this poor blog. Most all of my pages have been updated, with the above one of four posted in my Works in Progress page. Three of these are from this month, and one of which is from Fall of last year and is just under six feet high!!!!!! Should be doing even more larger work in the future, so stay tuned...

Also updated is my Sketchbook page. Two models from two different sessions at Spokane Art Supply.

The Gallery page received two newly posted pictures as well; one robot named Maynerd on a wild retro lawnmower from hell and one recently sold figure drawing.

Just added a new page titled Intaglio Prints - I've started learning this process from the very talented Sarah Shears. I've given a rough description to the process...more to come on that!

Also please check out more of Danny Caldwell's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ROBOT ART and much more robot fun at his page/gallery, Zero Uno Zero Robotics.

And finally, any and all are welcome to attend Julie Suchanek's Figure Drawing Studio, held the third Saturday of each month at Spokane Art Supply at 1303 N. Monroe Street. Click here for more info!